Compromiso ambiental, desempeño ambiental y desempeño: un estudio exploratorio en hoteles de tres, cuatro y cinco estrellas de cinco entidades de México
Main Article Content
Se analiza la relación entre el compromiso ambiental, el desempeño ambiental y el desempeño en hoteles de tres, cuatro y cinco estrellas de cinco entidades de México. Esta investigación es cuantitativa, transversal y exploratoria. Como técnica de recolección de datos, se aplicó un cuestionario a 55 hoteles. Para probar las hipótesis, se emplearon correlaciones bivariadas de Pearson. Los resultados muestran que el compromiso ambiental se relaciona positivamente con el desempeño ambiental y con el desempeño del hotel.
Article Details
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Compromiso ambiental, desempeño ambiental y desempeño: un estudio exploratorio en hoteles de tres, cuatro y cinco estrellas de cinco entidades de México.
CIENCIA ergo-sum, [S.l.], v. 26, n. 2, abr. 2019.
ISSN 2395-8782.
Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 17 ene. 2025
Ciencias de la tierra y de la atmósfera
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Al-Tuwaijri, S. A., Christensen, T. E., & Hughes II, K. E. (2004). The relations among environmental disclosure, environmental performance, and economic performance: A simultaneous equations approach. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 29, 447-471.
Álvarez, M., De Burgos, J., & Céspedes, J. (2001). An analysis of environmental management, organizational context and performance of Spanish hotels. Omega, 29(6), 457-471.
Annandale, D., Morrison, A., & Bouma, G. (2004). The impact of voluntary environmental protection instruments on company environmental performance. Business Strategy and the Environment, 13(1), 1-12.
Aragón, J. (1998). Strategic proactivity and firm approach to the natural environment. The Academy of Management Journal, 41(5), 556-567.
Aragón, J., & Sharma, J. (2003). A contingent resource-based view of proactive corporate environmental strategy. Academy of Management Review, 28(1), 71-88.
Aragon-Correa, J., Martin-Tapia, I., & De la Torre-Ruiz, J. (2015). Sustainability issues and hospitality and tourism firms’ strategies: Analytical review and future directions. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27(3), 498-522.
Armas, Y. (2011). Determinants of environmental management and implications for firms’ economic performance. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 54(8), 1077-1106.
Bagur-Femenias, L., Llach, J., & Alonso-Almeida, M. (2013). Is the adoption of environmental practices a strategical decision for small service companies? An empirical approach. Management Decision, 51(1), 41-62.
Banerjee, S. B., Iyer, E. S., & Kashyap, R. K. (2003). Corporate environmentalism: Antecedents and influence of industry type. Journal of Marketing, 67(2), 106-122.
Barreto, A. (2015). El 40% de las empresas EarthCheck de México, en Q. Roo. Novedades en Quintana Roo. Disponible en
Bohdanowicz, P. (2005). European hoteliers’ environmental attitudes: Greening the business. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 46(2), 188-204.
Briassoulis, H. (2002). Sustainable tourism and the question of the commons. Annals of Tourism Research, 29, 1065-1085.
Carmona, E., Céspedes, J., & De Burgos, J. (2004). Environmental strategies in Spanish hotels: Contextual factors and performance. The Service Industries Journal, 24(3), 101-130.
Céspedes, J. y De Burgos, J. (2004). Un análisis de las dimensiones de la gestión ambiental en los servicios hoteleros. Revista de Ingeniería de Organización, 30, 119-237.
Chan, W., & Lam, J. (2003). Energy-saving supporting tourism sustainability: A case study of hotel swimming pool heat pump. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 11(1), 74-83.
Christmann, P. (2000). Effects of best practices of environmental management on cost advantage: The role of complementary assets. Academy of Management Journal, 43(4), 663-680.
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Claver, E., López, M., Molina, J., & Tarí, J. (2007b). Environmental management and firm performance: A case study. Journal of Environmental Management, 84(4), 606-619.
Claver-Cortés, E., Pereira-Moliner, J., Tarí, J. J., & Molina-Azorín, J. F. (2008). TQM, managerial factors and performance in the Spanish hotel industry. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 108(2), 228-244.
Cramer, J. (1998). Environmental management: From fit to stretch. Business Strategy and the Environment, 7(3), 162-172.
De Burgos, J. y Céspedes, J. (2001). La protección ambiental y el resultado: un análisis crítico de su relación. Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 7(2), 93-108.
De Burgos, J., Vázquez, D., Plaza, J., & Dijkshoorn, J. (2013). Environmental protection and financial performance: An empirical analysis in Wales. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 33(8), 981-1018.
de Yta-Castillo, D. y Sánchez-Medina, P. S. (2017). Estrategias ambientales y desempeño empresarial de hoteles de México. Temas de Ciencia y Tecnología, 21(63), 5-21.
EarthCheck Certificación (2016). Productos y servicios. Benchmarking and certification. Disponible en
El Dief, M., & Font, X. (2010). Determinants of environmental management in the red sea hotels: Personal and organizational values and contextual variables. International Centre for Responsible Tourism, 36(1), 115-137.
Enz, C. A., & Siguaw, J. A. (1999). Best hotel environmental practices. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 40(5), 72-77. Disponible en
Erdogan, N., & Baris, E. (2007). Environmental protection programs and conservation practices of hotels in Ankara. Turkey. Tourism Management, 28(2), 604-614.
Fraj, E., Martínez, E., & Matute, J. (2009). A multidimensional approach to the influence of environmental marketing and orientation on the firm’s organizational performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 88(2), 263-286.
Fraj, E., Matute, J., & Melero, I. (2015). Environmental strategies and organizational competitiveness in the hotel industry: The role of learning and innovation as determinants of environmental success. Tourism Management, 46, 30-42.
Fukey, L., & Issac, S. (2014). Connect among green, sustainability and hotel industry: A prospective simulation study. International Journal of Social, Management, Economics and Business Engineering, 8, 311-327.
Galdeano, E., Céspedes, J., & Del Río, J. (2008). Environmental performance and spillover effects on productivity: Evidence from horticultural firms. Journal of Environmental Management, 88(4), 1552-1561.
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Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad A. C. (2013). Nueva política turística para recuperar la competitividad del sector y detonar el desarrollo regional. Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad A. C. Disponible en
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Leonidou, L. C., Leonidou, C. N., Fotiadis, T. A., & Zeritini, A. (2013). Resources and capabilities as drivers of hotel environmental marketing strategy: Implications for competitive advantage and performance. Tourism Management, 35, 94-110.
López-Gamero, M., Claver-Cortés, E., & Molina-Azorín, J. (2008). Complementary resources and capability for an ethical and environmental management: A qual/quan study. Journal of Business Ethics, 82(3), 701-732.
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Bohdanowicz, P. (2005). European hoteliers’ environmental attitudes: Greening the business. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 46(2), 188-204.
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Claver, E., López, M., Molina, J., & Tarí, J. (2007b). Environmental management and firm performance: A case study. Journal of Environmental Management, 84(4), 606-619.
Claver-Cortés, E., Pereira-Moliner, J., Tarí, J. J., & Molina-Azorín, J. F. (2008). TQM, managerial factors and performance in the Spanish hotel industry. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 108(2), 228-244.
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De Burgos, J. y Céspedes, J. (2001). La protección ambiental y el resultado: un análisis crítico de su relación. Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 7(2), 93-108.
De Burgos, J., Vázquez, D., Plaza, J., & Dijkshoorn, J. (2013). Environmental protection and financial performance: An empirical analysis in Wales. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 33(8), 981-1018.
de Yta-Castillo, D. y Sánchez-Medina, P. S. (2017). Estrategias ambientales y desempeño empresarial de hoteles de México. Temas de Ciencia y Tecnología, 21(63), 5-21.
EarthCheck Certificación (2016). Productos y servicios. Benchmarking and certification. Disponible en
El Dief, M., & Font, X. (2010). Determinants of environmental management in the red sea hotels: Personal and organizational values and contextual variables. International Centre for Responsible Tourism, 36(1), 115-137.
Enz, C. A., & Siguaw, J. A. (1999). Best hotel environmental practices. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 40(5), 72-77. Disponible en
Erdogan, N., & Baris, E. (2007). Environmental protection programs and conservation practices of hotels in Ankara. Turkey. Tourism Management, 28(2), 604-614.
Fraj, E., Martínez, E., & Matute, J. (2009). A multidimensional approach to the influence of environmental marketing and orientation on the firm’s organizational performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 88(2), 263-286.
Fraj, E., Matute, J., & Melero, I. (2015). Environmental strategies and organizational competitiveness in the hotel industry: The role of learning and innovation as determinants of environmental success. Tourism Management, 46, 30-42.
Fukey, L., & Issac, S. (2014). Connect among green, sustainability and hotel industry: A prospective simulation study. International Journal of Social, Management, Economics and Business Engineering, 8, 311-327.
Galdeano, E., Céspedes, J., & Del Río, J. (2008). Environmental performance and spillover effects on productivity: Evidence from horticultural firms. Journal of Environmental Management, 88(4), 1552-1561.
Galindo, L. M. (2009). La economía del cambio climático en México. Síntesis. Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público y Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales.
Garay, L., & Font, X. (2012). Doing good to do well? Corporate social responsibility reasons, practices and impacts in small and medium accommodation enterprises. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(2), 329-337.
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Hart, S., & Milstein, M. (2003). Creating sustainable value. Academy of Management Executive, 17(2), 56-67.
Henri, J., & Journeault, M. (2008). Environmental performance indicators: An empirical study of Canadian manufacturing firms. Journal of Environmental Management, 87(1), 165-176.
Hernández, R., Fernández-Collado, C. y Baptista, P. (2010). Metodología de la investigación. México: McGraw-Hill.
Hutchinson, C. (1996). Integrating environment policy with business strategy. Long Range Planning, 29(1), 11-23.
Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad A. C. (2013). Nueva política turística para recuperar la competitividad del sector y detonar el desarrollo regional. Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad A. C. Disponible en
Jones, P., Hillier, D., & Comfort, D. (2014). Assurance of the leading UK food retailers’ corporate social responsibility/sustainability reports. Corporate Governance, 14(1), 130-138.
Johnstone, D., & Labonne, J. (2009). Why do manufacturing facilities introduce environmental management systems? Improving and/or signaling performance. Ecological Economics, 68(3), 719-730.
Kasim, A. (2007). Towards a wider adoption of environmental responsibility in the hotel sector. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 8(2), 25-49.
Kasim, A., Gursoy, D., Okumus, F., & Wong, A. (2014). The importance of water management in hotels: A framework for sustainability through innovation. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 22(7), 1090-1107.
Kirk, D. (1995). Environmental management in hotels. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 7(6), 3-8.
Klassen, R., & McLaughlin, C. (1996). The impact of environmental management on firm performance. Journal of Management Science, 42(8), 1199-1214.
Klassen, R., & Whybark, C. (1999). Environmental management in operations: The selection of environmental technologies. Decision Sciences, 30(3), 601-631.
Klassen, R., & Mclaughlin, C. (2001). The impact of enviromental management on firm performance. Management Science, 42(8), 1200-1213.
Kumar, P. (2015). Green marketing innovations in small Indian firms. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 11(3), 176-190.
Le, Y., Hollenhorst, S., Harris, C., McLaughlin, W., & Shook, S. (2006). Environmental management: A study of Vietnamese hotels. Annals of Tourism Research, 33(2), 545-567.
Leonidou, L. C., Leonidou, C. N., Fotiadis, T. A., & Zeritini, A. (2013). Resources and capabilities as drivers of hotel environmental marketing strategy: Implications for competitive advantage and performance. Tourism Management, 35, 94-110.
López-Gamero, M., Claver-Cortés, E., & Molina-Azorín, J. (2008). Complementary resources and capability for an ethical and environmental management: A qual/quan study. Journal of Business Ethics, 82(3), 701-732.
López-Gamero, M., Molina-Azorín, J., & Claver-Cortés, E. (2009). The whole relationship between environmental variables and firm performance: Competitive advantage and firm resources as mediator variables. Journal of Environmental Management, 90(10), 3110-3121.
López-Gamero, M. D., Molina-Azorín, J., & Claver-Cortés, E. (2010). The potential of environmental regulation to change managerial perception, environmental management, competitiveness and financial performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 18(10), 963-974.
Luja, V. H. y Saldaña, C. E. (2014). Amor y odio: efectos ambientales, económicos y sociales del turismo. Estados Unidos de América. Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit.
Maas, S., Schuster, T., & Hartmann, E. (2014). Pollution prevention and service stewardship strategies in the third-party logistics industry: Effects on firm differentiation and the moderating role of environmental communication. Business Strategy and the Environment, 23, 38-55.
Menguc, B., Auh, S., & Ozanne, L. (2010). The interactive effect of internal and external factors on a proactive environmental strategy and its influence on a firm’s performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 94(2), 279-298.
Menon, A., & Menon, A. (1997). Enviropreneurial marketing strategy: The emergence of corporate environmentalism as market strategy. Journal of Marketing, 61, 51-67.
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