Gender Violence in the Family: Penal Juridical Perspective

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Jose Julio Nares Hernandez Dulce Gloria Martínez García Ricardo Colín García


 In the present work, the Federal Constitution and international treaties that oblige the State criminally to guarantee the women’s human rights to have a life free of violence at home, from a protectionist perspective are analyzed. It is concluded that to fulfill with such obligation, the legislative creation of a penal norm to punish the domestic violence associated with gender based violence is unavoidable. This legislative action would be part of a new criminological policy specifically dedicated to the prevention, punishment and eradication of gender based violence at home

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Como citar
NARES HERNANDEZ, Jose Julio; MARTÍNEZ GARCÍA, Dulce Gloria; COLÍN GARCÍA, Ricardo. Gender Violence in the Family: Penal Juridical Perspective. CIENCIA ergo-sum, [S.l.], v. 22, n. 2, p. 116-124, jun. 2015. ISSN 2395-8782. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 09 feb. 2025
Ciencias sociales