Jorge Luis Borges' short story Las ruinas circulares establishes a parallel between dream, the creative process and gnosticism. While Borges never forges any direct link between his character's dre

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La biodiversidad marina: el caso de los ostrácodos

Raúl Gío Argáez, María Luisa Machain Castillo


In this study we have analyzed the population growth of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus subjected to different conditions of temperature (25° C and 30°C) and algal concentration (namely, 1.0

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The simple Doppler velocimetry is a non-invasive morpho-functional technique with great impact as a diagnostic auxiliary means in Perinantal Medicine, and has lead to the adoption of many functiona

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El hule: de los olmecas a los polímeros sintéticos

Flavio Vázquez Moreno, Raymundo Cruz Almanza, Enrique Ángeles Anguiano, Óscar Olea Cardoso, Rafael López Castañares
