Estudio de la resistencia a la roya blanca (Puccinia horiana Henn.) de 18 variedades de crisantemo (Dchrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) en dos localidades del Estado de México

Tomás H. Norman Mondragón, Armando García Frías, Fernando R. Sandoval Rosales, Luis Miguel Vázquez García, Jesús G. Aquino Martínez, María del Carmen Corona Rodríguez, Enrique Pedral Martínez


Influenza virus infection usually provokes a strain-specific inmunity that prevents the same virus strain from causing epidemics in two successive years without at least minor antigenic variation. Inf ... ver más
A study of gender, science, and technology involves bath biological and historical issues. Behavioral differences between women and men have been researched and can be attributed to the historical roo ... ver más

We are currently in the midst of the formation of a new industry within the broader information technology (IT) sectors, the Internet industry. This industry is presently composed of a relatively s

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